
America is a nation where everything is bigger. We super-size meals, cars and even houses. We are the proud nation that invented McMansions after all, and many of us expect to one day advance on our property ladder to the seven bedroom monstrosity that seems to have become a large part of the American dream. Really, who wouldn’t want more space in which to truly live?

Since I've started really using coupons combined with sales to help save money on stuff I was buying already, I've also started connecting with friends across the country who are of a like mind.

It's been pretty eye-opening; prices differ on staples across the country and stores can vary a lot in their coupon policies. So today I'm tackling a problem posed by some of my friends outside of my neck of the woods.

Q: My local store does not double the value of my coupons; how am I supposed to super-coupon when they won't even double?

When first investing in the stock market, there are many new financial terms. So many, in fact, that sorting through all of the new-to-you definitions can seem more than a little daunting. However, with a little time and determination, you can begin to discover exactly what some of these terms mean and how they can apply to your stock research and purchase plans. Let’s look at one of these definitions: the Interest Coverage Ratio.

What is Interest Coverage Ratio?

While I was laid up over the weekend with a torturous toothache, I watched a lot of movies. Some were cute, others thrilling, but only one of the four was really memorable: “Soul Surfer”. This flick was recommended by a friend, and I put off renting it for a while because it didn’t really appeal to me. Big mistake on my part; “Soul Surfer” was beautiful and inspiring at the same time.

First off, let me tell you what a vested balance is not. It isn't coordinating an outfit so that a vest and shoulder pads are balanced and symmetrical. It also isn't a phase of my life during middle school in which vests made up a large balance of my wardrobe (come on, it was the late '80s!). In fact, as disappointing as it might sound, a vested balance really has nothing to do at all with any kind of a vest that you wear (insert disappointed sigh here).

Simply Put: Vesting Defined

Last week I tried to avoid health care costs. Twice. Yes, twice. The first time, I had an earache that I didn’t think I really needed to have checked out, and the second time was a (related) toothache that didn’t present itself in time for treatment before the weekend. But by trying to avoid these costs, I spent more money than I would have had I treated them right away. Why? Well, I self-treated. Let’s take a look.

Healthcare: The Expensive Route

They say there is a first time for everything, and today's post on college savings 529 plans is no exception. The "first" here is that our post's state, Wyoming, chose to close its 529 plans back in 2006. At that time, the state settled up the account balances with account owners, and since then, it has partnered up with Colorado to offer its residents the opportunity to participate in a college savings plan.

Basic Info

Once again, guest blogger Mitchell Pauly takes us on a financial definitions ride through his fun, funny and informative take on finance definitions! This week’s insight: Carrying Costs.

Life is back to normal for me now, and I’m enjoying my long daily walks with my tiny Great Dane. I am also loving the ability to run when I want rather than on some convoluted training schedule. My next race is the Turkey Trot, and it will be purely fun (and no pain!).

Obviously, I have a lot more time on my hands now, so I’ve had the pleasure of picking up a few more writing jobs and surfing the internet more. This week covers all the bases from politics to IKEA to tinsel-town dreams:

I love perusing savings/frugal/couponing blogs. There are tons of ways to save on everyday things and lots great ideas out here in cyberspace on how to go about it. These blogs are often very helpful and can point anybody with an interest to the right way to start saving.