
Frugality has been a topic of conversation with many finance bloggers in the recent the months, and there seems to be a consensus that it is possible to be too frugal. This may seem surprising at first glance. I mean, how can it hurt to save as much money as possible? Let's take a look at the principles behind frugality and how being too frugal can be detrimental to your finances.

How Do You Define Frugality?

With New Year's Eve on the horizon, there may be another mad dash to set up for yet another holiday party. If you're all out of ideas for a quick and easy, stay-hot side dish to serve, then you've come to the right place. I'd like to share my absolute favorite side dish recipe, Confetti Beans (aka Calico Beans or Cowboy Beans).

This flavorful side dish is always a hit, and thanks to the crockpot simplicity, making this dish ahead of time is possible for the busy season. In fact, the longer the beans sit in the crockpot, the more flavorful the dish becomes. So here it goes: Calico Beans!

As we continue our investment definitions series, we come to Automatic Investment Plans (AIP). Just like it sounds, this type of investment plan works on the basis of using automatic withdrawals to invest in a retirement account, mutual funds or stocks. One of the more common places that an AIP occurs is through the workplace, where contributing to a 401(k) offered by your employer can be easily accomplished through a paycheck deduction. Automatic Investment Plans can also occur in other situations, though, so let's look a little more closely at this new investment term.

I don't know about you, but sometime it's so easy to become almost lost in the rush of days leading up to your holiday celebration. There are presents to buy and wrap, goodies to make, parties and gatherings to prepare for...and all of this falls on top of the normal stuff of life like school, work and home. There's something about this season that makes life just busier, as if it weren't busy enough.

Frugality seems to be making a comeback these days; saving money is hot, especially now that Christmas is right around the corner. We've brought you some ideas on buying gifts that are cheap (and some that don't cost a penny!), and now we add a few make-your-own ideas to the table.

Making your own Christmas gifts need not be daunting or dismissed as too chintzy or cheap. It's a way to give something that you've crafted with your own hands specifically for someone; the fact that it traditionally doesn't cost a whole lot is just a bonus.

Bake or Cook a Gift

Although MomVesting has focused on the holidays in the last few weeks, we do realize that there are many people of differing religions. In fact, I am one of the few. As someone of a differing faith who dislikes commercialization, I know that I’m not alone in my “Bah Humbug” mentality. However, I also realize that I must make it through the holiday season somehow, so I want to share how I skate through the holidays, even with a distinctly pro-Christmas family.

Accept Your Differences

So here it is, mere days until Christmas, and you're still working your way through your Christmas list. Plus you have next-to-nothing in your bank account. Take heart, fellow shopper. It is possible to give some quality gifts that will be appreciated without forking over your next paycheck plus an arm and a leg. Here are some inexpensive strategies to help you tackle those last few gifts on your list.

Gift of Time

I can't believe it's the Christmas season already. If you're anything like me, you're making lists and mapping out some kind of strategy to get those last-minute gifts bought. And, if you're anything like me, you'd like to buy those gifts without the added stress of spending tons of cash. Fear not, my procrastinator friends: it is entirely possible to finish up your gift buying without breaking your bank.

That's What Friends Are For

As the holiday preparations wind down, we are left to scramble madly at the last moment or to reflect calmly at another season put to bed. Hopefully, you are in the latter crowd, but if you are not, there is still time to wrap presents and prepare for the welcome onslaught of family.

Next week, we here at MomVesting will take a few moments to offer last minute holiday tips and tricks, celebrate the season and enjoy the simple pleasures of family. We hope you’ll join us for our celebration. We wish you all Happy Holidays.

As we get closer to Christmas, it's possible you might be feeling a pinch in your budget. Affording Christmas gifts on top of a shaky economy and rising prices is enough to test just about anyone's income. However, before whipping out your plastic to take care of the gifts on your list, consider using the cash you'd normally spend on household expenses, such as groceries, and applying it to your holiday purchases.