Who out there doesn't like the fall? Personally, it's my favorite time of year – and not just because it means the kiddos are in school! There's just something about cool mornings, warm afternoons and watching the season's slow shift that makes the world feel right. These are the days that beg for a trip with the family to the local pumpkin patch. Not only are these great places to make memories and pick up some fall produce, they are things the whole family can enjoy without breaking the bank.

Hi y’ all! Please join MomVesting as we welcome Mitchell Pauly, a guest blogger who loves to discuss finance in fun, funny and informative ways. We look forward to his continued definition contributions while he builds his own site; so put on your spectacles and get ready to learn and laugh!

Debits and Credits

Last week was busy. My brother and his family stopped by unexpectedly. It seems a woman named Irene huffed and puffed until she chased my bro and his fam all the way to little ol’ Iowa. He was planning to visit anyway, so when Irene spit on him and turned his electricity off, my brother simply loaded the car with kids, toys and as much of their refrigerator as he could, hoping to salvage at least a little of the colossal dent Irene was going to make on their perishables.

Ever notice how some so-called reality shows aren't very, well, real? The concept might be there, but something about lights and cameras gives a lot of the shows out there a very scripted or staged feel. The couponing world's version of a reality show, TLC's "Extreme Couponing," is one such show that touts reality but depicts a generally amped-up version of true couponers. So here is my take on every day, real-life couponing as compared to the drama-filled reality show version.

It’s natural to know when another person is attractive. It’s been proven that even babies reach for pictures of beautiful people. Really, even their young minds know that looking good is mostly about symmetry and confidence. So if babies know this, why can’t we as adults admit to our partners when another person is as gorgeous as the day is long?

I know you've all been waiting with bated breath for our next post on this nation's 529 plans. Well, my financially savvy friends, your wait is over. Continuing in our west-to-east fashion, this time around we check into the states of Idaho, Utah and Montana and bring you the nitty gritty on their 529 plans.


Labor Day is calling my name. One last day to wear my white capris. One last day to enjoy summer, the last scents of barbeque floating in the air. One last day to embrace the heat before the cold takes over, forcing us all to close our windows and hole up in our houses, cozily reading by a fire.

But is this what our forefathers intended when Labor Day was created? Surprisingly, yes. Labor Day was devised simply as a day for laborers to rest. However you decide to rest is up to you.

A big thank you to Little House in the Valley for nominating MomVesting for the Trip Base 7 Links Project. We are excited to share the seven links we find most beautiful, popular, controversial, helpful, surprisingly successful, lonely and proud. So, here we go: our seven finest!

Our Most Beautiful Post

Remember the saying "It takes a village to raise a child"? It makes sense; raising children is a challenge that can benefit from the expertise of different voices bringing varied experience to the table. In this day and age, there seems to be a prevalent "to each their own" mentality where man (and woman) is an island in the sea of humanity. How does one get that "village" effect if their village is, say, halfway across the country? Moms and dads need support when kids enter into the family equation.

So you got an offer for a 12 month, 0% APR credit card in the mail. It may be tempting to pay off your 14.9% APR Discover Card with this new offer credit card. Really, who wouldn’t consider jumping at 0%? Well, before you jump in, you may want to consider a few things first. Let’s take a look at how using a special offer credit card to pay off an established card can actually hurt more than you might think.

Hidden Fees