
SS? B1G1? RP? WYB? Nope, these letters aren't the newest slang for the latest round of hot boy bands (anyone remember BSB and NKOTB?). They do represent, however, just a sample of the types of abbreviations associated with the world of super-couponing.

If you've recently dived into the art of maximizing savings by combining coupons with sales, you've probably checked out some awesome websites devoted to this subject.

Have you ever been chugging along on your budget path quite nicely for months or years only to be derailed by a spousal purchase? If the draw for a big screen TV, a video game, a designer purse, or a pair of (beautiful...) shoes finally got the better of your spouse, what should you do?

Jessica has been writing a series about work-at-home-moms. She’s covered countless topics already, including finding jobs, setting up your website, and many other WAHM must-know tips and tricks. I love reading these articles, and I’ve been itching for my own shot at a WAHM guest post, to share the tips and tricks I learned along the way. So here we go: WAHM, Christa style!

Contrary to popular belief, the term "capital gain" does not refer to the newest laundry product from the makers of Gain detergent. (Okay, okay; I know that's a stretch, but you try coming up with a catchy opener for this term!) Today, we'll take a look at what capital gains (and losses) are, and how they fit in with investing in a simple, easy-to-understand manner.

Old Mr. Webster Says...

I finally watched The Social Network this weekend. Have you seen it yet? While I’m not going to take time reviewing the movie, there was one line I wanted to mention. In the movie, they make the distinction how the Internet is written in ink, not pencil.

The evolution of blogging has always fascinated me. From online diaries to money making ventures, the blogosphere is just brimming with new uses every day. One thing that seems to remain the same is an odd balance of anonymity and popularity.

As we move on in our “Investing in Self” series, we come to the idea of investing in your education. We here at MomVesting believe that education is the cornerstone to self-improvement. Whether you’re contemplating your first financial investment or looking to jump into a new career, setting yourself up for success only takes a little education and motivation. So how do you get started? Let’s take a look.

Decide Your Final Goal

It could be the recipe for disaster: climbing temps and the end of school. Suddenly, you have hot and cranky kids. Home. All day. I think it's fair to say that for some of us, summer could use an adjustment period while moms and kids get into the groove of being around each other more. Before the combo of soaring mercury and sweaty kids has you seeing red, take a few minutes now to put your I'm-staying-cool-no-matter-what plan into place.

Establish a Schedule

We find ourselves more than halfway finished with 2011, and now may be a great time to assess our financial goals for the year. Many of these goals fall into joint finance goals, so as we continue our Money and Relationships series, let’s take a look at our goals for the year and how we can get back on track.

What Was My Goal Again?

Investing can seem overwhelming, but finding the investment type best suited to your personality is possible. Let's look at three common sayings to help identify what types of investments are the best fits for you.

Hindsight is 20/20

Parades. Fireworks. Bomb pops. Barbeque. On this July 4th, I’m taking in all four, and I feel pretty patriotic…but at the same time not as red-white-and-blue as I could be. This leaves me wondering how I can invest in our U.S. of A.

Short of enlisting in our fabulous Armed Forces (which, in my case, is unfortunately impossible), what can you or I do to invest in our great country? Let’s look at a few of my ideas, and then please add your own in the comments section below!

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