Sunday Round-Up for November 21, 2010
Between giving ourselves a raise, saving during the holidays, and investing with less than $1,000, we’re as giddy as children over here at MomVesting. Here are some of our favorite posts that we came across this week. Hopefully, after reading them, you’ll be as excited as we are.
First, Andrew Jacobson at Win With Money wrote a simply inspiring post about how to give yourself a raise. According to him, we deserve one, and I must admit that I’m rather convinced. In fact, as a result, I’ve already given myself three raises this week!
Then, head over to Couple Money and see how Elle shows how to start investing with $1,000 or less. After you’ve given yourself a raise (or two or three) from Andrew’s post, now you know what do with your extra income. How exciting! It’s all going together so nicely.
Before you invest that money, jump over to one of Miranda’s latest articles on the Financial Highway. She once again blew us away with another spot-on article regarding women and money (two subjects we can really relate to over here at MomVesting). Read her post and see whether you are truly investing to meet your (specific) needs. Then you might bounce over and check out her article on how private (or not) your finances really are.
Kim, the genius behind Balance Junkie, took time this week to explain the differences between the three types of financial statements. Didn’t know there were three? Get over there and do some reading! Once you get that squared away, then keep reading and find out why it’s so important to maintain a positive cash flow.
Neal at Wealth Pilgrim looks at a topic relevant to many people right now, being laid off. Not necessarily fun to think about, but something that bears thinking about.
Finally, just in time for the holidays, Canadian Finance Blog shares nine great ways to start planning for Christmas and save. (Anytime I read “Christmas” and “save” in the same sentence, I’m intrigued.) We really like the idea of taking some of the focus off the gifts and making homemade presents. (One quick Internet search for ideas, and my mind is simply twirling around at all the great possibilities.)
Then, for a bonus: If you’re really in the mood to snuggle up and read a very thorough (yet easily comprehendible) article, check out Invest it Wisely. Trace Mayer, J.D., wrote a great guest post about The Great Credit Contraction and How to Use Gold as Money. By the end of this post, you’ll be questioning the definition of “2.”
MomVesting This Week
- Debt Free is Not Enough
- Making Work at Home Work for You: The Basics
- Investing in Yourself: Making Time for Mom
- Leisure Suit and Alligator Boots: Reading the Fine Print in Contracts
- Five Reasons for Moms Not to be Afraid of Finance
Honorary Mention (of us)
“Eureka! I Think I’m On To Something!” Friday Links Thanks for the mention, WealthPilgrim!
This Week's Blog Carnivals
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InvestItWisely wrote:
Sun, 11/21/2010 - 20:09 Comment #: 1Thanks for mentioning Trace's guest post! Hope you've been enjoying the weekend. :)
Jessica Schmeidler wrote:
Mon, 11/22/2010 - 15:01 Comment #: 2You're quite welcome, and I had an amazing weekend; thank you. :)
Shaun wrote:
Mon, 11/22/2010 - 22:00 Comment #: 3Great round up, plenty of reading to do now!
Jessica Schmeidler wrote:
Tue, 11/23/2010 - 00:36 Comment #: 4I hope you enjoy them all. :)