Sunday Round-up for July 31, 2011
Melinda and Christa have been doing such an amazing job, you may or may not have noticed my sudden disappearing act here on MomVesting. Fortunately, I have a really great reason for being MIA. I’m pregnant!
Needless to say, between the nausea and the extreme exhaustion (nobody warned me of the latter taking over my life), I’m way behind on my reading! The little person who’s causing all of this mischief is more than a welcomed addition, but I wish he or she would let me stay awake long enough to live a little.
I have so much more respect and admiration for women who do this while having a 9 to 5 job outside of the home. You guys rock!
Anyway, so here are the articles that I have managed to read that I thought you would all enjoy as well:
Cash Flow Mantra “How to Turbo Charge Dividend Income with Call Options”
BrokeTO “The $100 Grocery Challenge”
Little House in the Valley “Visions of Retirement Dance in My Head”
Perfecting Parenthood “Happiness is a Handful of Dirty Cheerios: An Antidote to the Miserable Family”
Money Cone “Should You Invest In Vanguard Mutual Funds or ETFs?”
Retire by 40 “A Million Dollars is NOT Enough”
Money Reasons “Roth IRA Benefits for Kids”
First Gen American “The Story That Made Me Save for Retirement”
Frugal Students “How to Create an Emergency Fund and Why YOU Need One”
Minting Nickels “When the Overdraft is Overrated”
Femme Frugality “How to Get What’s Yours”
Prompt Retirement “Avoiding the Market”
Invest It Wisely “Are You Investing Wisely in Yourself?”
Afford Anything “Debt: Should You Use Reason or Emotion?”
I feel like I’m leaving out some of the articles I read, so if you didn’t get mentioned, don’t think I didn’t like your posts. Everyone who is a part of the MomVesting community is wonderful! I love reading through all of your blogs.
MomVesting this week:
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First Gen American wrote:
Sun, 07/31/2011 - 11:25 Comment #: 1Woo hoo. Congrats. I'm wishing you a very boring and uneventful pregnancy with a very healthy baby at the end of it.
I never enjoyed my pregnancies. I was not a happy or cute pregnant woman I'm glad that period of my life is behind me as exciting as it was to experience it and go through it.
PS. I feel the same way about stay at home moms. Work is my break and it's also the time I can do things like...have a doctor's appointment and not worry about what I'm going to do with my kids during that time.
Jessica Schmeidler wrote:
Sun, 07/31/2011 - 15:20 Comment #: 2"I was not a happy or cute pregnant woman..." << I love that! I know what you mean, too. I'm three months and already showing--you know, just enough that everyone looks at my stomach, but is afraid to say anything for fear it's just excess weight. Oh, and emotional? Yikes. I would NOT want to meet me right now. LOL! I want my baby in my arms and out of my tummy already!
Thank you for the wishes, by the way. Boring and uneventful sound absolutely marvelous! :)
Little House wrote:
Sun, 07/31/2011 - 23:30 Comment #: 3Congrats on your news! Thanks for mentioning my link.
femmefrugality wrote:
Mon, 08/01/2011 - 13:56 Comment #: 4Thank you for the mention. And CONGRATS! Hope you make it to the 2nd trimester before baby beats you up too bad!
Paula @ wrote:
Mon, 08/01/2011 - 15:21 Comment #: 5Congratulations!!!! And I'm sure the little one will ... hopefully, soon ... let you stay awake. I'm rooting for you to have a healthy and easy pregnancy!
Lindy Mint wrote:
Mon, 08/01/2011 - 19:52 Comment #: 6Congratulations!!! How exciting.
Yeah, the exhaustion is a killer, but it takes a lot of energy to make a whole baby!
retirebyforty wrote:
Mon, 08/01/2011 - 20:20 Comment #: 7Congratulation! Thanks for the mention too!
My wife was not a happy pregnant person either. ;)
Jessica Schmeidler wrote:
Mon, 08/01/2011 - 21:16 Comment #: 8Thank you, guys. I love reading all the comments about other moody mamas. I was starting to feel like the most horrible mommy-to-be ever. :)
Money Reasons wrote:
Wed, 08/03/2011 - 11:45 Comment #: 9Congratulations, great news!
Thanks for the mention and here's wishing you a smooth pregnancy.