Sunday Round-Up for November 14, 2010
by MomVesting
Here's a look at some posts that caught our attention this week:
- Dividend Monk brings us 5 Dividend Stocks that have gone NOWHERE for a Decade (and why you should care). Of course if the yield is high enough, "going nowhere" is just fine for many dividend stocks.
- Wealth Pilgrim determines: What is my small business worth? 3 Easy Steps
- Invest it Wisely has Gold, Revisited: Is $1500 Near? The question we'd all like to know. Is gold a bubble?
- The Canadian Finance blog takes a basic look at stocks.
- Also check out Before You Invest and their post about credit card reward programs.
MomVesting This Week
- If you try sometime... you just might find...
- Four Ways to Get Your Feet Wet With Investing
- How to Help Your Spouse See You As A Financial Equal
- Retirement Account Basics
- Teaching Kids to Save
Blog Carnivals
MomVesting participated in the following blog carnivals recently:
- Carnival of Wealth #11
- Festival of Stocks November 8, 2010
- The 282nd Carnival of Personal Finance (Seinfeld Edition)
- The 254th Festival of Frugality
MomVesting participated in the following blog carnivals recently:
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InvestItWisely wrote:
Sun, 11/14/2010 - 23:22 Comment #: 1Thanks for the mention!