Sunday Round-up for December 5, 2010
The most wonderful time of the year will soon be upon us. With snow falling, children giggling, horns honking, and roads icing, it’s time to take stock of where we’re at and where we want to be. From vacations to disasters, this last week in the blogosphere proved to be quite entertaining for this reader.
First, Canadian Finance did an excellent job at sharing how to go Snowboarding on a Budget. My budget is usually set up on my computer, though, and I haven’t figured out how to stay on it. Either the computer gets stuck in the snow, or I simply topple off. Just kidding.
While you’re in the mood for snow and winter, check out Invest it Wisely’s rendition of “Walkin’ in a Winter Wonderland.” The song went from being a lovely tune stuck in my head to the story of my life.
After you read that post, you might begin to relive last Friday. Retire by Forty took the time to share his experience with the American shopping tradition, popularly dubbed Black Friday. Unfortunately, he said it was an Epic Failure. I can’t imagine what he would have called my experience.
If I had the guts to share with you exactly how my Black Friday went, I’d be able to add another level to Aloysa’s post on Why Women Life About Shopping. Well done, Aloysa. You really captured the spirit of me in one of your reasons…not that I lie about shopping or anything. Whoops--Freudian slip.
Now that you’ve divulged yourself in dreaming about a Winter Wonderland, planned your first (or next) snowboarding adventure, and amply forgiven yourself for lying about shopping, check out what you can do with one hundred million. Money Cone gives you the ingredients to cook up a novel spending spree.
Then, if you have anything left of your one hundred million (or, if you’re like me and you have to admit that “million” has to be dropped from the number), go along with Money Cactus as he plays the ultimate game of Monopoly.
Okay, stop and take a breather. Do you have any money left? Are you winning at Monoply? How do you know? To find out, check Money Reason’s list of Levels of Wealth.
Still breathing? Elated? Feeling as giddy as a child? Great! Go check out Balance Junkie. They just celebrated their first blogosphere birthday, and with posts like Lucy and the Charlie Brown Method, we think they’ll probably be around for many more years to come.
If you weren't elated after viewing the levels of wealth, maybe you should visit Wealth Pilgrim and check out Stock Market for Dummies. Ha-ha! I'm just kidding with you, but it is a really great post, so I highly suggest checking it out.
In the mood for reading even more simply amazing posts? Check out this last week at MomVesting:
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Money Reasons wrote:
Sun, 12/05/2010 - 07:35 Comment #: 1Thanks for the mention!
I like they way they all flow so nicely into a story :)
Money Reasons wrote:
Sun, 12/05/2010 - 07:36 Comment #: 2Sorry for the bad sentence structure (it's really late for me tonight :) )
retirebyforty wrote:
Sun, 12/05/2010 - 15:33 Comment #: 3Thanks for including my Epic Fail post. Michelle taught me to be over dramatic when I want attention. :)
Jessica Schmeidler wrote:
Sun, 12/05/2010 - 16:51 Comment #: 4@Money Reasons You're welcome, and I'm glad you liked the structure.
@retirebyforty: I loved your Epic Fail post, so tell Michelle I said thank you.
Aloysa wrote:
Sun, 12/05/2010 - 21:01 Comment #: 5Freudian slip, huh? LOL I am curious to find out more about your Black Friday shopping. LOL Thank you for including my article! I am glad you liked it.
Jessica Schmeidler wrote:
Sun, 12/05/2010 - 22:49 Comment #: 6That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it! ;) Suffice it to say that my body showed up with cash, but I must have left my brain in the car. ...SO glad I didn't bring credit. :)
InvestItWisely wrote:
Sun, 12/05/2010 - 23:44 Comment #: 7The only black friday shopping I did was online. ;)
Thanks for the mention!
Shaun wrote:
Mon, 12/06/2010 - 21:58 Comment #: 8I love your round-ups Jessica, your stories are much better than a list! No Black Friday in Australia, but we still have post-Christmas sales to contend with over here... it's a dangerous time ;)
Thanks for including my post
Jessica Schmeidler wrote:
Tue, 12/07/2010 - 01:23 Comment #: 9Aww... Well, thank you, Shaun. I'm so glad you enjoy them. You guys give me great posts to work with, so they're a joy to write. :) So, do your post-Christmas sales have a name? "Danger Downunder," or something? Hold on to your wallet! He-he.
Shaun wrote:
Tue, 12/07/2010 - 02:26 Comment #: 10They are actually called the Boxing Day sales, it has very little to do with boxing... but people can get carried away sometimes!
Jessica Schmeidler wrote:
Tue, 12/07/2010 - 02:29 Comment #: 11I love that title, because it can represent so many different facets of a hard-hitting shopping day. I hope you'll write a post about it this year. :)
Shaun wrote:
Tue, 12/07/2010 - 02:48 Comment #: 12Funny you should say that... I'll let you know how it goes.