Friday Roundup: Finance, Parenting and Mom Blogs
As this week winds down and the cooler weather hits my part of the country, I’m enjoying some relaxing time running, reading fiction, taking long baths and drinking hot tea (not all at the same time, but wouldn’t that be a sight?).
My most recent long run as I continue to train for my full marathon had me “travelling” 19 miles total. I say travelling because I didn’t run the whole thing. As I began my marathon training, I decided to pick and choose my advice from the experts and build up in my own way. This means that I ran off and on for 17 miles and walked a cool down two miles. Total, I think I actually ran about 12 miles of that 19. However, my goal was to build up my total distance traveled; in this first marathon, I am merely aiming to finish.
As I continue to invest in myself, to reach another of my life’s goals, I’m looking forward to the marathon experience and to the great finish at the end. Because the experience and the finish are really the greatest parts of life, right?
For the week’s reads, I had the chance to find the following greats:
–Alex at Perfecting Parenthood shares his family’s goals for the year. Since his five year old cooks omelets, his seven year old has learned long multiplication, his wife finished her Masters and Alex was making $1,500 per month in the market, his family was mighty busy (and super-impressive!).
–Okay, so this week’s food pick isn’t quite squid, but Kristen at My Kids Eat Squid does have a creative way to serve up the always-favorite tacos: make them a ghostly tostado!
–Mysti at Digging Out From Our Mess shares why she loves to balance her checkbook. She says she knows she’s an über geek, but we just think she’s über chic for fitting it in daily!
–Check in with Crystal at Budgeting in the Fun Stuff where she talks about a “prince” with some mad money skills.
–Want to win cash? Lindy Mint at Minting Nickels is giving away $66 to spend at, an arts website that showcases artists from all over the world. I had my eye on the skirt, the purse, the wooden bangles..ok, I had my eye on everything!
–We all pay taxes…or do we? Sandy at Yes I am Cheap enlightens us on the top ten corporations that pay no taxes.
–Spend some time with Ashley at Money Talks for a way to help ensure you buy the right product with your hard earned cash: do one hour of research for every $100 you spend.
–Is your child an artist? Sarah at So Says Sarah shows us how to summon the inner Georgia O’Keefe in any child: give them some inspiration, some crayons, some watercolors and some guidance.
–Niki at Debt Free By Thirty takes us on a tour of McMansions and cottages. Guess which one most of us, including Niki, prefer nowadays?
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Crystal wrote:
Fri, 09/16/2011 - 15:24 Comment #: 1Thank you so much for including BFS!
Niki wrote:
Fri, 09/16/2011 - 17:25 Comment #: 2Thank you for the link.
12 miles is nothing to scoff at. Congratulations on making this commitment and sticking with it so well.
Christa Palm wrote:
Fri, 09/16/2011 - 17:46 Comment #: 3YW, Crystal and Niki -- love your blogs!
Miss T wrote:
Wed, 09/21/2011 - 00:14 Comment #: 4Thanks for the great round up. I missed a couple of these posts last week.
Christa Palm wrote:
Wed, 09/21/2011 - 17:32 Comment #: 5Miss T, there were some good ones last week!