Where's the Beef? Your Guide to Obtaining a Second Job
When I was in college, I lived so frugally that I became pseudo-vegetarian by necessity. Meat was often too expensive for my part-time, minimum wage existence, and I ate as simply as possible. Ramen noodles, beans, and cereal made up the bulk of my diet, but boy did I crave a hamburger sometimes!
One day, when I was especially hungry for beef, I stopped at a fast food place to spend the last two dollars in my pocket for the most delicious deluxe hamburger I had ever tasted. Honestly, that burger had to have been Kobe beef, formed and grilled by the hands of an angel, perfectly juicy, topped with crisp lettuce, juicy tomatoes, and the optimal amount of condiments. Ah, heavenly...
The memory kept me alive the next few days as I subsisted on crumbs and stole peanut butter from the mouse trap (ok, not really, but it was tight!). I could have bought twenty Ramen noodle packages with my two dollars, but I spent it on a (deliciously wonderful) hamburger. The whole experience led me to the conclusion that I needed a second part-time job that summer.
That story brings me to my (long-awaited) point: a second job can bring in needed income for anyone, to get them through a rough patch and get them on the road to riches (or at least to fewer struggles). Whether your first job is as a corporate manager or as a stay at home mother, let's take a look at some second job ideas that can bring in the dough (or beef) without risking your first job.
Evening Employment
Many evening jobs can help a currently employed individual add some cash to their pockets. Depending on your ideal part-time job, there are many jobs that can fit into your schedule and potentially help you advance your skills. For example, a telemarketing job can increase phone skills while lining your pockets. Additionally, other jobs are available, as follow:
- Sales clerk – develops interpersonal and sales skills
- Server/waitress/bartender – encourages memory and interpersonal skills, while whittling your waist
- Security – develops a keen eye for detail and memory
- Hotel staff – highlights interpersonal skills
There are many more part-time evening jobs available, but the examples above can give you a jumping point to creatively search for traditional evening employment.
Non-Traditional Employment
If, however, you would prefer to work for yourself outside your full-time job or full-time job search, there are many options in which you can be your own boss while raking in some cash. Let's look at some of these examples:
- Freelance Tradesperson – If you have skills that you can market for others, like writing, editing, web design or computer programming, you can freelance your skills on sites like elance.com, ifreelance.com, or guru.com.
- Data Entry – Quick data entry skills can offer you the ability to work from home in your own time.
- Beauty Employment – Other skills, like hairdressing and massage, can be marketed from your home as well. Be careful, though, that your current beauty job allows you to moonlight your skills.
- Crafting – Some crafts are in high demand, and if you are artistic, developing your skills toward designing sellable items can help you line your pockets without answering to a second boss.
A little creativity with your skills can help you identify a niche that will work for you outside your current job. These non-traditional employment jobs can be tricky to make money in, though, so you may need to research your options and costs before jumping in.
Second jobs may not be the best bet for every person, but if you need cash, a second job could offer you the short-term support you need until your finances even out. Who knows, maybe you will find that a second job is ideal for you long term. Or maybe you will just stick it out to buy a side of Kobe beef.
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