Stay Home Black Friday and Still Get Great Holiday Deals
Black Friday. Say those two words together, and people will either get a rapturous look and crazed smile on their face or they'll shudder in horror. Typically, you're either for it or against it. For years, when I worked retail, I was in the shudder category. Now, years removed from punching a cash register, I embrace it with a glass-half-full glee.
But for those of you who'd rather pass on those stellar advertised deals the day after Thanksgiving (SpongeBob shirts for $2.97? Count me in!), rest assured that you can still cash in on some great buys out there - without having to cut short your Thanksgiving or slog out into the cold at 3 a.m.
Lowest Prices of the Season!
This heading is always good for a chuckle this time of year. Each week, major retailers come out with colorful ads touting in large letters: "Lowest Prices of the Season!!!!" or "Lowest Price Ever!" Hilarious, because how can it be that way each week? Anyway, if you missed a deal on a shirt on Black Friday, chances are you can get a similar deal if you go any other day between now and Christmas. You have money to spend on gifts, the retailers want this money, and they'll run continual sales throughout the holidays to get you to spend it with them. Take advantage of their sales and reap the benefits without having to brave the massive Black Friday brigade.
An added bonus? Stores are often open crazy hours during this season. Consider shopping at a time that isn't part of the peak hours to beat the crowds and still scoop up great prices. 10 P.M. on a Monday night or 7 A.M. on a Thursday morning on your way to work can be times where you can browse without bumping into someone with each step and check out without spending an hour in line.
Surf the Net
Internet deals are to be had, too. You know this. If the thought of Black Friday makes your skin crawl, consider shopping from the comfort of your home office (Cyber Monday, anyone?). The pros here are many: you can shop in your pjs and sans makeup, use your own bathroom whenever you want and not fear losing your place in line, skip said line completely, keep your coffee or drink of choice fresh and still snag some great deals. Retailers often offer up a bevy of enticements with online shopping during the holiday shopping season, including free shipping (either to a local store or home).
Price Match
When I say this, I'm not talking about taking a Black Friday ad into a store two weeks later and demanding the same deal on the spot. Price mathching, for those stores that participate in it, can save you some time and money, though. Say you're doing a bulk of Christmas shopping at Store A; they have a bunch of good prices for the things on your list. Except for the Goo-Goo Supreme (a doll your preschooler would love), which Store B happens to have at a lower price. Store A participates in price matching, so you show Store A the ad from Store B that lists the price for Goo-Goo Supreme and voila! You've saved some money (and given Store A some business, which they greatly appreciate!). Before you try this saving tactic, though, make sure your Store A participates in price matching and familiarize yourself with said policy.
Turns out, to get a great deal on Christmas gifts this holiday season, you don't have to leave the comfort and safety of your own home on Black Friday. What are some of your tips for saving on gift shopping during the holidays?
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Niki wrote:
Tue, 11/22/2011 - 13:09 Comment #: 1I would definitely rather stay home. Last year was my first year of ever participating in black friday and it was not as exciting as I thought it would be. But I don't really like shopping either so it's not really my thing anyway.