Investing in Family: Holiday Edition
I don't know about you, but sometime it's so easy to become almost lost in the rush of days leading up to your holiday celebration. There are presents to buy and wrap, goodies to make, parties and gatherings to prepare for...and all of this falls on top of the normal stuff of life like school, work and home. There's something about this season that makes life just busier, as if it weren't busy enough.
It's easy to lose sight of what the season is truly about, the real "reason for the season." So, my fellow cyberspace friends, here is a bit on going beyond the ornaments, gift wrap and mistletoe and focusing in on what's important during the holiday season.
It's A Family Affair
Family (and the spending of quality time with them) is a huge component of the holidays. Okay, I know for some of you out there (perhaps a lot of you!), holidays with the family can feel like it rivals time spent in an old-time asylum. Rest assured, you are not the only family with "black sheep." And yours is not the only family with quirky habits and members. But despite whatever's said and done (or not said and not done), family is still family, and the holiday celebration is one of the best times of the year to reconnect with yours.
Instead of looking at the coming days as something you have to get through, try changing your outlook to something more positive. I know, I know: Aunt Bertha always calls your parenting skills into question, and cousin Rick never has anything nice to say about the food. While holidays can bring out the misery in some, resolve that this will be the year your light shines. In other words, kill 'em with kindness. Don't let a few misplaced questions and comments steal your joy. Resolve now to enjoy time with your family and friends and lean on the Golden Rule: "Do unto others what you would have them do unto you." (If you care to, you can find this bit of Biblical wisdom in the seventh chapter of Matthew.)
Away In A Manger
Speaking of the Bible, the ultimate reason for celebrating Christmas in particular is to focus on the birth of Jesus. Now, in this day and age, I do realize there are many different faiths and levels of such faiths, and I also realize some do not recognize or participate in any type of religion or faith. But for my household and family, focusing on the events surrounding Jesus' birth is the true meaning of relfection and celebration during Christmas.
This holiday season, whatever religion you follow, focus on what is truly important in your life. Reflecting on such lofty themes as why you are here can put the rest of the holiday bustle in perspective and give you a brighter outlook for each day. And even for dealing with those negative people in your life. Hone in on your real reason for the season, and you can certainly experience the peace, joy and love that is meant to be our focus.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you, MomVesting reader. I pray each of you have a wonderful and blessed holiday season.
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femmefrugality wrote:
Fri, 12/23/2011 - 22:51 Comment #: 1Aw this is really sweet. And so true. The other day I heard this story on the radio about tips for dealing with family this time of year. Because it can be super stressful. But usually worth it :)