Friday Round-Up
This week has been filled with tissues, tea, chicken noodle soup and rest. Unfortunately, as you may have figured out, that means that this week was also full of sniffles, coughs and throat tickles. Ugh.
Fortunately, I was able to follow a friend's advice and “Suck it up, Cupcake”: somehow I was able to find some superhuman inner strength to whoop the cold in the butt while changing diapers and feeding the Thank heavens for my newfound supermom strength – and the support of a super husband!
Unfortunately, the nasty illness left me drained, and I wasn't able to get much done beyond the baby care and Christa care. I did find some energy to peruse blogs while lying on my couch slowly dying...I mean, slowly recovering from my cold. The blog reading made my cold, dark, near-death experience bearable, so I thank you, Blogosphere.
Here's what I found while trolling the Net:
- When the shelled pistachios are calling your name at the grocery store, how do you abstain? Mighty Bargain Hunter takes us on a trip through Costco to show why being hungry and tired is a recipe for budget disaster.
- Looking for a job hitting your pocketbook hard? Well, check in with Making Sense of Cents to see Michelle's suggestions of how to save money while job searching. 'Cause when you're out a job, you're out an income.
- If you've been following Michelle at See Debt Run, you may have noticed a lapse in posts. Thankfully, she's back, but she's got a story to tell. Follow along as Michelle details what's up – and check in to leave a response!
- Broke Professionals asks “What's More Important: What You Know or Who You Know?” Read along as she delves into the question...and comes up with some answers.
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Michelle wrote:
Fri, 10/12/2012 - 12:02 Comment #: 1Thanks for mentioning my post! :)